Seventh Generation - Is laundry the coolest thing you could do?


Is laundry the coolest thing you could do?

Doing laundry can be really dull. It’s so uninteresting that I often only remember to do it when I’ve run out of socks. But the thing is, it’s actually a really valuable skill to get right. Whether you’ve committed your basement space to washing machines for 5 of you, or a little washer dryer in the kitchen, doing it right (or wrong!) can impact two very important things:

Your pocket. You may have already bought the machine, and the detergent, so what else is there?! Energy. Laundry can use a whole load of energy unnecessarily, which can cost you.

The planet! With every load of washing, you could be creating a fair bti of CO2 emissions. The hotter the wash, the hotter the planet. Stressful, I know. BUT. Luckily, we’re here to help.

1. Keep it cool

Roughly 90% of a washing machine’s energy goes towards heating the water. So turn it down! If you switched the temperature of your wash from 40°C to 30°C, it could reduce the energy you’re paying for by 38%. And if you can bear it, going down to 20°C can save 62%!1 By lowering the temperature, it’s not going to make your clothes less clean most of the time. If each household used cold water for four in every five wash loads, they would reduce their annual CO2 emissions by 864 pounds of carbon – that’s the equivalent of planting more than one-third of an acre of forest. All these benefits, at the touch of a button! So reserve the hot water for the oily, stubborn stains, or if someone is sick. Everything else, keep it cool.

2. Fewer, fuller loads

It’s an obvious win-win: By combining your small loads into one bigger load, you’ll spend less time and effort doing laundry and use less water and energy! And less time chasing your teenagers around the house to bring their dirty clothes downstairs. If you really need to wash a small load, try to use the lowest water-level setting necessary.

3. Use just the right amount

How do you measure your detergent? If it’s by eyeballing it, you might be adding too much. In fact, only 28% of people follow laundry dosing instructions precisely. This hack is more pocket saving – use the measurement lines found in scoops or caps. To make it even easier for yourself, Seventh Generation EasyDose Ultra-Concentrated Laundry Detergent has a self-dosing mechanism that measures the right amount every time. Just flip the bottle fully upside down, give a FIRM squeeze, and the bottle stops for you. 1 squeeze = 1 load. Easy! Click here to learn more about Seventh Generation laundry detergents and how you can reduce your energy footprint on the earth.



Hellmann’s - Not again! Avoiding post-vacation fridge squidge

You’re taking your kids to the in-laws. You’re staying at your boyfriends for the first time. Girls trip to Cabo?! Either way, you’re leaving your fridge at home. What do you do? If you’re anything like me, you forget the food is in there. Or you didn’t have time to clean everything out as you were rushing out the door. Perhaps you think that fruit will last an extra week.... Good luck! If you have slightly more time, you regretfully throw it away. You’ve probably had a bad experience leaving things in the fridge already, and no one wants to go through that experience again!But who likes throwing delicious, hard-earned food in the bin? Before you head out next time, read our handy tips to empty your fridge and make magic out of your leftovers.

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