Hellmann's - Fridge night


Delicious and repetitious: daring you to reduce food waste once a week

Food waste. Isn’t it just the worst?! Ever found a forgotten bag of salad at the back of your fridge then ordered takeout? Probably because that leftover pepper is just not going to bring you joy on a Friday. Or maybe you sometimes feel like you spend lots of money on exciting ingredients but still end up throwing them away?

As you might be able to tell, you’re not alone.

Too many of us end up with spare food that we chuck in the trash. So many of us, that if food waste was a country, it would be the THIRD BIGGEST contributor of greenhouse gases after China and the USA. Pretty big, and not very pretty. No one likes wasting food, but we know that you've done it on occasion. So, we're giving you a chore hack. A fun one. Because we want to help your pocket and the planet. Legit disclaimer: This hack is so simple that it has already helped people like you save 10 tonnes of food, about $67,100 CAD, and 43.7 tonnes of CO2* How, you ask? Great question.

Call it Fridge Night.

The Mission: One night a week where you use up all the left-behind food looking sad in your kitchen.

Choose a night of the week that works for you (most Fridge nights happen on Thursdays, although just before the garbage day works too)! Every Fridge night, use the hyper mega simple approach: 3+1.

Pick a base, like a soft wrap, bread or rice.

Grab some veggies – use up what you have at hand. The sadder, the better. Chop it up. Put them in the oven, a pan or a wok, or just a bowl for a tasty salad.

Select a protein, such as chicken or beans to add some thickness.

+1 Add a magic touch with your favorite sauce (our go-to is Hellmann’s mayo and flavored sauces)

To help you in your weekly mission/chore hack, we’ve put together a few tips:

  • Do you tend to forget about your ingredients? Follow the ‘first-in-first-out' rule, by eating the oldest products first. So when you’re stocking up, put the freshest at the back! They’ll get to the front row eventually.

  • Need an extra bit of motivation? Download the Hellmann’s Fridge Night app and e-book here to discover flexible recipe ideas based on the ingredients you already have.

  • Finally, set reminders for yourself, on your phone or on your magnet-filled fridge. By adopting 1 Fridge Night a week over 5 weeks, and using our flexible recipes, you could rescue up to 33% of your food waste*. That's also 1/3 of your budget! Bon Appetit!


  • Hellmann’s Fridge night website:

  • (accessed January 2023. Canadian value conversion conducted January 2023)Hellmann’s Fridge night E-Book:


Hellmann’s - Not again! Avoiding post-vacation fridge squidge

You’re taking your kids to the in-laws. You’re staying at your boyfriends for the first time. Girls trip to Cabo?! Either way, you’re leaving your fridge at home. What do you do? If you’re anything like me, you forget the food is in there. Or you didn’t have time to clean everything out as you were rushing out the door. Perhaps you think that fruit will last an extra week.... Good luck! If you have slightly more time, you regretfully throw it away. You’ve probably had a bad experience leaving things in the fridge already, and no one wants to go through that experience again!But who likes throwing delicious, hard-earned food in the bin? Before you head out next time, read our handy tips to empty your fridge and make magic out of your leftovers.

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