Knorr Future Foods


Moving away from bowls of boring

Do you eat the same meals over and over again? We all do it. You’re hungry, want to make something quickly, and you can’t be bothered to run to the store. So you go for potatoes, beef and overboiled broccoli with a splash of sauce. Easy. Did you know that 75% of the global food supply comes from only 12 plant and five animal species?!* The reality is, your bowls of boring just aren’t great for the planet. Lots of people eat the same thing, which puts a lot of pressure on the environment to provide that for us. This includes the minerals in the soil and the animals (moo). That’s why diverse diets are so important to keep the planet in balance for the long term. Diverse diets are also important for your belly. Think about that long list of unrememberable vitamins and minerals that you supposedly need. Chances are, you’re probably not ticking them all off with 12 plants and five animals in your diet. So yeah. Get creative. In fact, we know you aren’t.So yeah. Get creative. We’ve got 5 decent twists you could apply to your meals, starting today:

Moving away from bowls of boring

Do you eat the same meals over and over again? We all do it. You’re hungry, want to make something quickly, and you can’t be bothered to run to the store. So you go for potatoes, beef and overboiled broccoli with a splash of sauce. Easy. Did you know that 75% of the global food supply comes from only 12 plant and five animal species?!* The reality is, your bowls of boring just aren’t great for the planet. Lots of people eat the same thing, which puts a lot of pressure on the environment to provide that for us. This includes the minerals in the soil and the animals (moo). That’s why diverse diets are so important to keep the planet in balance for the long term. Diverse diets are also important for your belly. Think about that long list of unrememberable vitamins and minerals that you supposedly need. Chances are, you’re probably not ticking them all off with 12 plants and five animals in your diet. So yeah. Get creative. In fact, we know you aren’t.So yeah. Get creative. We’ve got 5 decent twists you could apply to your meals, starting today:

  • In a wild mood? Swap your white rice for wild rice. It’s full of valuable minerals, and it’s actually the seed of a semi-aquatic grass (yeah, mention that at your dinner party). Boil it in water or stock, or pop it like it’s hot to make some serious popcorn!

  • Be lentil: Try a lentil burger – lentils don’t need much water to grow, and they have a gentle carbon footprint, 43x lower than those pesky cows. Bonus, there are lots of varieties – from earthy to peppery to sweet – it’s a real winner

  • Orange you glad you tried it? Orange tomatoes are actually super sweet! They also contain up to twice as much vitamin A and folate (B vitamin) than red or green tomatoes. Chuck them in literally any meal and add those numbers to your check list.

  • Brain food: Yeah it’swalnuts. Your mom might eat them already, but this “brain food” is high in omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E, so put them in your blender right now. They’re pretty cool, and pretty ancient. People have been eating them for 10,000 years... something must be right!

  • Un-BEET-able Greens: Beetroots are fun. But the leafy green bit never gets into the spotlight, and often ends up in the trash. Newsflash: it’s the most nutritious part! Get them in your diet. Stews and salads galore could benefit from avoiding a little food waste.

Hungry for more?

The Future 50 Foods Report is a collaboration between Knorr and WWF, in partnership with Dr. Adam Drewnowski, Director of The Center for Public Health Nutrition at the University of Washington. They want to provide people with more food choices to empower positive change (that’s you!). So, they have identified 50 foods we should eat more of. Ones that are nutritious, have a lower impact on our planet than animal-based foods, can be affordable, accessible and taste good. You can check out the report and more tips at:


Referenced in: Knorr Future Foods Report, 2019:

  • Original source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. What is agrobiodiversity? Fact sheet [in English].[ONLINE] Available at:

  • [Last accessed November 2018]. FAOSTAT data available at:


Hellmann’s - Not again! Avoiding post-vacation fridge squidge

You’re taking your kids to the in-laws. You’re staying at your boyfriends for the first time. Girls trip to Cabo?! Either way, you’re leaving your fridge at home. What do you do? If you’re anything like me, you forget the food is in there. Or you didn’t have time to clean everything out as you were rushing out the door. Perhaps you think that fruit will last an extra week.... Good luck! If you have slightly more time, you regretfully throw it away. You’ve probably had a bad experience leaving things in the fridge already, and no one wants to go through that experience again!But who likes throwing delicious, hard-earned food in the bin? Before you head out next time, read our handy tips to empty your fridge and make magic out of your leftovers.

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