Hellmann’s - Not again! Avoiding post-vacation fridge squidge


Not again! Avoiding post-vacation fridge squidge

You’re taking your kids to the in-laws. You’re staying at your boyfriends for the first time. Girls trip to Cabo?! Either way, you’re leaving your fridge at home. What do you do? If you’re anything like me, you forget the food is in there. Or you didn’t have time to clean everything out as you were rushing out the door. Perhaps you think that fruit will last an extra week.... Good luck! If you have slightly more time, you regretfully throw it away. You’ve probably had a bad experience leaving things in the fridge already, and no one wants to go through that experience again!But who likes throwing delicious, hard-earned food in the bin? Before you head out next time, read our handy tips to empty your fridge and make magic out of your leftovers.

Plan ahead

Get into the mindset of emptying your fridge before you start packing your suitcase. That means making a note of what you already have in your fridge and not stopping by the store on your way home from work a day before! Then, start by eating what can’t be frozen first –eggs, cream cheeses, yogurt, watery vegetables, etc.

Give your leftovers a makeover

Don’t feel like eating the same thing twice? Try transforming them into something completely unrecognizable! It’ll save food waste, money, and the time it’d take to make something from scratch. Enjoy your next fridge clean-out with these suggestions:

  • Baked beans? Make a Cajun Bean Stew for dinner, or a Shakshuka for breakfast on your final morning at home.

  • Leftover beef ragu? Make a burrito bowl with some cheese and veg that’s also got to go. Or a cottage pie for your roommate (who doesn’t love a leaving gift?)

  • Too much salmon fillet left over from yesterday? Use it in a refined Pesto salmon pasta bake, or smash it into a fresh summer salad.

  • A bunch of half-used veggies? These are super easy to put with anything else you’ve got. Roast them up, blend for a soup, or dice into a salad, sandwich or stir fry. You get the idea. But if our excellent suggestions aren’t hitting the spot, Hellmann’s have got you covered with recipe suggestions here


The freezer is your friend

If you have done the first two steps and you have tried to finish your food, a massive set of kudos to you. This is what we like to hear. But we know it’s not always possible to find combinations for everything. On your last day at home, pop whatever you didn’t get around to eating in the freezer! Almost all fruit can go in there, so get them in and look forward to using them in your smoothie when you get home. Freeze grated cheese (in a bag ideally) so you can work them into your next pizza night or cheese melt! Future you will thank you, and so will the planet. Don’t forget to download Hellmann’s FOOD WASTE HACKS HANDBOOK here https://www.hellmanns.com/ca/en/secure/signup.html to continue reading about hacks to make taste, not waste, and to discover delicious recipes.




Hellmann's - Fridge night

Food waste. Isn’t it just the worst?! Ever found a forgotten bag of salad at the back of your fridge then ordered takeout? Probably because that leftover pepper is just not going to bring you joy on a Friday. Or maybe you sometimes feel like you spend lots of money on exciting ingredients but still end up throwing them away?

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